It was the event everyone was waiting for, and they were not disappointed, it was a cheerful and mutually curious and serious conversation between Alice Weidel and Elon Musk.
Alice Weidel was factual and on an equal footing and was probably allowed to speak in front of a large audience, indeed a global audience, for the first time without being constantly interrupted by the ideological language police. First, the two of them talked about the madness of our so-called green climate policy. Elon Musk, the entrepreneur with a vision, and Alice Weidel, the economist with a doctorate, agreed that even those with poor arithmetic skills should be aware that an industrial nation cannot run on wind and solar energy and that it was madness to shut down nuclear power at a time of energy shortage.
Alice Weidel then clarified the distorted and unhistorical political classifications that bring the right-wing close to the Nazis. She reminded the German and US audiences that Hitler was not on the right, but on the left.
He was a national-SOCIALIST. He nationalized the industry, he expropriated the successful Jewish businesses in particular, he shut down the press and, together with the Gestapo, set up his own constitutional protection agency, that these days in Germany is called “Verfassungsschutz”. He censored all criticism, had people snooped on and arrested, ordered house searches and relied on a compliant caste of journalists and intellectuals.
Does that sound familiar to anyone? Exactly…
No, Weidel made it clear that it is not the defamed AfD but the Greens who are the Nazis of today. In their methods and their understanding of the law, they are much more similar to the Nazis, because it is they who want to eliminate parliamentary opposition and eradicate freedom of opinion and speech, but it is precisely these, as both emphasized from their respective political worlds, that are the basis of democracy.
It was ironic that they discussed this on X, the platform that the Greens under their Big Brother Robert Habeck, the green Party Leader, would prefer to shut down, with a conversation that was reportedly monitored by 150 EU officials in Brussels to detect anything objectionable or prohibitive.
Why? Because they are afraid of the very shocking truth, the collapse of their woke world with the Green Deal and censorship. They are literally shaking. And so for everyone watching on dozens of channels in the West, with an audience of 2 million at times, this conversation was a huge relief. Finally we can talk! About everything.
They both emphasized that contradiction is important, Musk confessed that he tolerates just as few yes-men around him as Weidel did. And as they confirmed each other with enthusiastic “yeses”, the comedy of their assurances struck them at the same time, because they hadn’t fallen on their heads, which caused them both to laugh gleefully.
But then Weidel spoke seriously again and lamented the decline of the German education system and the abysmal performance in the PISA tests, to the amazement of Musk, who still remembered the German grammar schools of old from our once vaunted educational nation.
Yes, this was not a confrontation, but a relaxed exchange between like-minded people. Weidel reported on the rampant bureaucracy that stifles every initiative in Germany, something Musk could sing his own song about: it took him over ten years to get approval for his Tesla plant in Brandenburg and he had to have 25,000 pages of regulations stamped, as he recounted with a laugh of disbelief, on paper, as is usually only the case in third world countries.
The two were curious about each other, they also confessed their perplexity about the situation in the Middle East, which is perfectly acceptable within a conversation, yes even appropriate, and Musk mused that the maxim “an eye for an eye” might lead to both parties becoming blind. But Alice Weidel hastened to destroy any doubt that she and her party stand behind Israel and the Jews, while the other old parties do not go beyond lip service and invite the anti-Semitic Islamists into the country, who then parade through German streets as Hamas supporters wishing for the death of the Jews.
Then Alice Weidel asked Musk about his colonization plans for Mars, where I honestly tuned out a bit, but then perked up when she asked him if he believed in god.
Yes, suddenly the conversation opened up from the lowlands of everyday politics, opened wide, and it was wonderful to experience the hesitant groping of the two after the last questions and hundreds of thousands watched.
In my opinion, this conversation was a game changer, a dam break, because we were able to experience the AfD’s candidate for chancellor openly and curiously, very charmingly and politely.
It won’t have been the last conversation like this, because in my New Year’s conversation with Jordan Peterson, which Weltwoche will be printing next week, he showed a great deal of interest.
So the two of them parted company after a good hour and one could have the feeling that glasnost has also arrived in paralyzed Germany.
Now we are all waiting for perestroika
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